CFA作者 编者: cfa 预计阅读时间: 4分钟 CFA发布时间 发布时间:2014-01-14

在此恭喜超过2700名考生成功获得CFA协会2015年度的奖助学金(Access Scholarships)。免收CFA课程报名费,降低了考试报名费(包括访问课程电子书),美元250。 

CFA现在分两个大类奖学金Awareness 和 Access 





Mission: The CFA Institute Access Scholarship Program (“Program”) is designed to make CFA

Institute programs more available to individuals who may not be able to afford the full program fees. (“Access Scholarships”). 

申请者没有收入上限和下限,是新的CFA考生或者老考生都可以,但注意不能同时申请Awareness 和 Access, 每年也只能申请一次ACCESS奖学金。 

奖学金面向一级,二级,三级,下一年6月或者12月的CFA考试,所有考试费用(电子材料版)都降为250美元( 即一级免了注册费和部分考试费用,所以免了近900美元),但是你不能先报名再申奖学金,一定要等到奖学金下来,他们发给你CODE,你再去报名。比如这次通知我的时候已经12月7日了,已经过了较便宜的报名阶段了(CFA报名分三个阶段),但是你有信心拿到就可以等。 









Personal Statement

Please tell us why you would like to earn the CFA charter. How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals?

Note that you are limited to 2500 characters (approximately 400 words). 







CFA Program scholarships provide financial support to

Those who may be unable to afford the full price for enrollment and exam registration. Key influencers in the academic and financial communities.

Applicants must meet all CFA Program enrollment requirements. Review the requirements. 

Access Scholarships

Needs-based scholarship awarded annually, in December, for exams in the following calendar year.


Waive the CFA Program enrollment fee and reduce the exam registration fee (includes access to the curriculum eBook) to US$250.* 

Award Cycle

Access Scholarships are awarded on or before 1 December, to be applied to exams in the following year. Access Scholarship recipients may apply the award to the 

June exam (Levels I, II, and III) or

December exam (Level I only) 

Important Dates

The 2015 application submission period is closed. Award notifications will be sent on or before 3 December 2014. 

Learn more below 

Awareness Scholarships

Awarded on a rolling basis to key influencers in the academic and financial communities. 


Waive the CFA Program enrollment fee and reduce the exam registration fee (includes access to the curriculum eBook) to US$350.* 

Award Cycle

Awareness Scholarships are awarded as they are received and processed. 

Recipients of the June scholarship may only apply it to the upcoming June exam (Levels I, II, and III).

Recipients of the December scholarship may only apply it to the upcoming December exam (Level I). Submission Deadline

June 2015 exam: 2 February 2015 

Learn more below 

Access Scholarship Details

In collaboration with our member societies around the world, more than 2,600 Access Scholarships are awarded to CFA Program applicants each calendar year. 

You must wait until the scholarship notifications occur in December before you register for the applicable exam, or you will be ineligible for the scholarship and your application will be voided. However, you may purchase the curriculum for that exam in advance by contacting us

. When you register for the exam (after scholarship notifications) credit will be given for the eBook curriculum purchased in advance but credit will not be given for a print curriculum purchased in advance.‡

After you submit your scholarship application, you cannot make changes. If your financial situation changes, you may withdraw your application from consideration before 1 October of the year in which you applied 

.If you receive a scholarship and register for the exam, you must sit for that exam or you may be ineligible for future Access Scholarships

.Access your application (login required) 

Awareness Scholarship Details

In collaboration with our University Relations team, we offer Awareness Scholarships to key influencers in the media, academic, and financial communities, such as college/university faculty, college students affiliated with our Recognized Universities and CFA Program Partner Schools, select regulatory agencies, and media organization employees around the world. 

CFA Institute Professor Scholarships

Full-time college or university professors who teach a minimum of six credit hours per quarter or semester or administrators/department heads who teach three hours per quarter or semester at one university are eligible. The university must offer a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) or higher. 

Complete the Candidate Section by typing directly into the editable form where indicated. Print the completed form and then add your signature and date. Submit the form to CFA Institute by email. Keep your email copy for your records. 

CFA Program Partner and Recognized University Program Scholarships After the June 2013 exam, all student scholarships will be awarded through universities and colleges participating in the CFA Program Partners initiative and University Recognition Program. CFA Program Partner Scholarship Application (for use by CFA Program Partner universities only): 

Recognized University Scholarship Application (for use by Recognized Universities only): 

CFA Institute Regulator Scholarships Scholarship opportunities are available to full-time employees of qualified government securities regulators or central banks. To learn more and/or confirm if your organization is a program participant or qualifies to become a participant, please send an email to scholarships@cfainstitute.org with the follo wing information: 

The name of your organization Your role within the organization A link to the organization’s website CFA Institute Media Scholarships Scholarship opportunities are available to eligible, full-time employees of media organizations which communicate and disseminate financial news, data, and education around the world. For more information about media scholarships, download the application or contact us at info@cfainstitute.org.

 Additional Information Review exam and curriculum fees. View information about any applicable taxes, shipping costs, and customs and import fees. Review available methods of payment.

*Scholarship candidates are responsible for any additional costs related to selecting/purchasing the curriculum. 

‡Beginning with June 2014 exam, the registration fee includes access to the curriculum eBook and a print version of the curriculum must be purchased separately. Therefore we will not issue credits to applicants who wish to purchase the print curriculum in advance. (If you purchase the print curriculum, you will also be responsible for shipping costs and any applicable import duties and taxes.).

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