就CFA考试来说,一共三个级别的考试,需要一级接着一级,循序渐进的考。 高顿财经小编鼓励各位考生,正因为cfa特许金融分析师考试的难度和含金量,才能够拥有目前全球的认可。所以,好好坚持学习这一门课程,必将对你的将来大有作用。
现在一二级的考试题型都是选择题,一级是多项选择(multiple choice),共计240道题,09年之前是ABCD四个选项,四选一,09年开始改革为ABC三个选项,三选一。
二级是个案例多项选择(item set multiple choice),20道Item Set,每题6个小题,共120道题,同样从09年开始改革为ABC三个选项,三选一。
Level II and II Item-Set Questions
Sample item-set questions are available in the CFA Program - CFA Exams section of the CFA Institute website. Testing research has shown that examinations consisting of multiple-choice items (and item sets) typically have greater validity, reliability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness than constructed response (essay) questions addressing the same topics. Validity indicates that an examination is measuring what it intends to measure, reliability provides an indication of the accuracy of that measurement, efficiency refers to the breadth and depth of topic coverage and cost-effectiveness refers to the economics of constructing and grading the examination.
Difficulty is primarily a function of the subject matter and question construction. Most importantly, multiple-choice and item-set questions can be used to test higher-level thinking, including critical thinking and problem solving. Although the multiple-choice and item-set formats are not appropriate for testing creative thinking and writing abilities, the CFA Program is not intended to test those skills (and these abilities would be difficult to fairly assess for a large global candidate population). Nearly all licensing and professional credentialing examinations with large candidate populations are conducted in the multiple-choice and/or item-set formats.